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The year that was with Luke Nankervis

He was equal 10th with 61 votes in Adelaide’s state league club champion award for the 2022 season but what did his season look like? Check out how the young Jedi tracked in the SANFL in photos, team lists and notes below.

F: Nankervis, Thilthorpe, McAdam

HF: Newchurch, Taylor, Wright

C: Sharrad, Boyle, Parnell

HB: Hamill, Borlase, Davis

B: Hall, McAsey, Worrall

R: Strachan, Berry, Milera

INT: Lewis, McKenzie, Templeton, Smithson

NEW: Zac Taylor (Calder Cannons), Luke Nankervis (Sandringham Dragons), Josh Smithson (North Haven/West Adelaide), Louis Sharrad (Port District/Woodville-West Torrens), Jacob Templeton (Central District), Isaya McKenzie (Willaston/Central District)

First-year draftee Luke Nankervis managed to snare an eye-catching mark in the third term while Jake Soligo finished off nicely to extend the margin to 43 points with the opening goal of the fourth quarter.

F: Thilthorpe, Fogarty, McAdam

HF: Newchurch, Taylor, Nankervis

C: Soligo, Berry, Milera

HB: Hamil, Borlase, Davis

B: McPherson, McAsey, Murray

R: Strachan, Boyle, Wright

INT: Parnell, Hall, Templeton, Sharrad

IN: Fogarty, McPherson

OUT: Hately (AFL), Worrell (AFL)

F: Lewis, Fogarty, Freeman

HF: Newchurch, Wright, Nankervis

C: Soligo, Schoenberg, Milera

HB: Hamil, Borlase, Davis

B: Worrell, McAsey, Murray

R: Strachan, Boyle, Pedlar

INT: Hall, Parnell, Clamp, Smithson, Johnson, Hutchens

IN: Lewis, Clamp, Hall, Schoenberg, Freeman, Smithson, Johnson, Hutchens

OUT: Taylor (broken thumb), Berry (AFL), McAdam (AFL), McPherson (hamstring), Hately (AFL), Thilthorpe (AFL)

NEW: Harry Schoenberg (Woodville-West Torrens), Nathan Freeman (Frankston), Josh Smithson (North Haven/West Adelaide)

F: Hinge, Fogarty, Pedlar

HF: Newchurch, Wright, Nankervis

C: Hall, Schoenberg, Milera

HB: Parnell, Borlase, Davis

B: Worrell, McAsey, Murray

R: Strachan, Boyle, Freeman

INT: Lewis, Clarke, Sharrad, Smithson, Hutchens

IN: Hinge, Clarke, Sharrad, Hutchens

OUT: Hately (AFL), Thilthorpe (AFL), Soligo (AFL), Hamill (AFL)

NEW: Mitch Hinge (Glenelg), Josh Smithson (West Adelaide/North Haven)

F: Hall, Wright, Soligo

HF: Newchurch, Rowe, Nankervis

C: Hamill, Sharrad, Milera

HB: Parnell, Borlase, Davis

B: Worrell, McAsey, Murray

R: Strachan, Boyle, Freeman

INT: Lewis, McKenzie, Smithson, Johnson, Hutchens

IN: Soligo, Hamill, McKenzie, Smithson, Johnson, Hutchens

OUT: Thilthorpe (Health & Safety Protocols), Fogarty (AFL), Pedlar (AFL), Hinge (AFL), Schoenberg (AFL)

NEW: Josh Smithson (West Adelaide/North Haven)

Fellow Crows midfielders Nathan Freeman (24 disposals, seven marks) and Wayne Milera (23 disposals, eight marks) were also influential while Luke Nankervis (22 disposals and a goal) continues to develop with each League outing.

F: Lewis, Fogarty, Sharrad

HF: Newchurch, Templeton, Nankervis

C: Parnell, Crouch, Milera

HB: McPherson, Borlase, McAsey

B: Worrell, Davis, Murray

R: Strachan, Freeman, Boyle

INT: Couroupis, Hall, Wright, McKenzie, Smithson, Johnson

IN: Crouch, Wright, McKenzie, Smithson, Johnson

OUT: Pedlar (AFL), Soligo (AFL), Hamill (AFL), Hinge (AFL), Rowe (AFL)

F: Smithson, Hall, Newchurch

HF: Taylor, Nankervis, Gollant

C: Parnell, Crouch, Cook

HB: Milera, Davis, McPherson

B: Frampton, McAsey, Borlase

R: O’Brien, Schoenberg, Sharrad

INT: Lewis, Wright, Boyle, McKenzie, Johnson

IN: Cook, Taylor, Frampton, Schoenberg, O’Brien, Wright

OUT: Worrell (AFL), Fogarty (AFL), Strachan (AFL), Soligo (AFL), Murray (AFL), Freeman (Frankston VFL)

F: Smithson, Hall, McKenzie

HF: Wright, Gollant, Taylor

C: Newchurch, Pedlar, Parnell

HB: Davis, McAsey, McPherson

B: Sholl, Frampton, Borlase

R: Strachan, Schoenberg, Boyle

INT: Binder, Lewis, Clamp, Sharrad, Marshman, Johnson, Hutchens

IN: Lewis, Clamp, Sholl, Marshman, Strachan, McKenzie, Hutchens

OUT: Crouch (AFL), Cook (AFL), Milera (AFL), Himmelberg (AFL), O’Brien (AFL)

IN: Pedlar, Nankervis, Salt, McPherson, Davis, Sharrad, McKenzie

OUT: Hall (Health & Safety Protocls), Cook (AFL), Frampton (AFL), Schoenberg (AFL), Parnell (AFL), Marshman


F: Pedlar, Wright, McAsey

HF: Nankervis, Gollant, Cook

C: Newchurch, Taylor, Sholl

HB: Davis, Worrall, Sharrad

B: Brown, Frampton, Borlase

R: Strachan, Jones, Boyle

INT: Lewis, Clamp, Hall, McPherson, Turner, McKenzie, Smithson

IN: McAsey, Brown, Hall, Turner, McPherson, Smithson

OUT: Schoenberg (AFL), Himmelberg (AFL), Marshman, Johnson, Hutchens

NEW: Brett Turner (Glenelg)

MILESTONE: Matthew Wright 50 SANFL Club games

F: Pedlar, Wright, McAsey

HF: Nankervis, Gollant, Cook

C: Newchurch, Taylor, Sholl

HB: Davis, Worrell, McPherson

B: Brown, Frampton, Borlase

R: Strachan, Sharrad, Boyle

int: Dumesny, Hall, Smithson, McKenzie, Templeton, Johnson

IN: Hall, McKenzie, Templeton, Johnson

OUT: Jones (AFL), Schoenberg (AFL), Himmelberg (AFL)

MILESTONE: Louis Sharrad 100 games

F: Gollant, Wright, McAsey

HF: Nankervis, McKenzie, Newchurch

C: Sholl, Taylor, Cook

HB: Sharrad, Worrell, McPherson

B: Brown, Frampton, Borlase

R: Strachan, Boyle, Turner

INT: Lewis, Clamp, Hall, Templeton, Johnson

IN: Lewis, Clamp, Sholl

OUT: Crouch (AFL), Davis (AFL), Himmelberg

F: Pedlar, Wright, McAsey

HF: Taylor, Gollant, McKenzie

C: Nankervis, Crouch, Cook

HB: Sholl, Worrell, McPherson

B: Clamp, Frampton, Borlase

R: Strachan, Boyle, Turner

INT: Newchurch, Sharrad, Templeton, Hutchens

IN: Crouch, Pedlar, McPherson

OUT: Himmelberg (AFL), Lewis, Kernahan

F: Pedlar, McAsey, McKenzie

HF: Nankervis, Gollant, Newchurch

C: Hately, Boyle, Taylor

HB: Davis, Borlase, Templeton

B: Clamp, Frampton, Sholl

R: Strachan, Crouch, Turner

INT: Lowden, Kernahan, Wright, Hall, Sharrad, Johnson, Hutchens

IN: Hately, Hall, Gollant, Sharrad, Johnson, Hutchens

OUT: McPherson (knee), Cook (AFL), Himmelberg (AFL), Worrell (AFL)

MILESTONE: Kieran Strachan – 50 games

F: Thilthorpe, McAsey, Newchurch

HF: Pedlar, Gollant, Rowe

C: Nankervis, Taylor, Rachele

HB: Wright, Borlase, Cook

B: Sharrad, Clamp, Boyle

R: Strachan, Crouch, Turner

INT: Allmond, Hall, Kernahan, McKenzie, Templeton, Johnson

IN: Crouch, Thilthorpe, Rachele, Cook, Hall, Sharrad

OUT: Frampton (AFL), Worrell (AFL), Himmelberg (AFL), Davis (AFL)

NEW: Josh Rachele (Murray Bushrangers

F: Boyle, McAsey, Newchurch

HF: Pedlar, Gollant, McKenzie

C: Nankervis, Taylor, Cook

HB: Sholl, Borlase, Johnson

B: Sharrad, Frampton, Wright

R: Strachan, Hately, Turner

INT: Weaver, Templeton, Clamp, Kernahan, Clarke

IN: Hately, Clamp, Templeton, Smithson, Clarke

OUT: Crouch (AFL), Thilthorpe (AFL), Rowe (AFL), Rachele (hip), Hall (managed)

IN: Kernahan, Worrell, Davis, Newchurch, Clamp, Lewis

OUT: Crouch (not qualified), Hately (not qualified)

Adelaide pair Luke Nankervis and Lachlan Sholl each picked up 25 disposals while captain Matthew Wright was tremendous with five clever goals from 14 disposals and five tackles.

IN: Hall, Kernahan, Templeton

Young forward Luke Nankervis showcased his work rate against North Adelaide, running hard to each contest to support his teammates and laying important tackles.
At 19 years old, Nankervis was Adelaide’s youngest player on the field but did not look out of place and had g put together a strong finals campaign so far, according to Godden.
“It’s always good to see a young man who’s played in back to back finals now on a wing and been able to come to the level,” he said.
“His effort and his contest work his really good.
“These games that he’s playing at the moment are going to be invaluable for him going forward.”
Nankervis collected 18 disposals, had seven tackles, along with four inside 50s and four rebound 50s.

IN: Davis, Hall, Lewis

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